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How to Sign up on Sellam (Buyam Vendor)
After downloading Buyam Vendor from the App Store or Play Store, you will be required to sign up with your phone number and email address, or You will be asked to log in if you are a returning user.
- First click on the button labeled 'Signup'
- Click on the name input field, Type in your full names
- Click on Email and type in your email address
- Click on Phone Number input field (if you are a Cameroonian, there is no need to attach your country code, +237.) but if you have a foreign phone number, tap on Country code generator and select your country code.
- Click on Password input field, type in a unique password
- Then click Register
- A new page opens up
- Your phone number is going to be required to verify your account.
- Type on the Phone Number input field and type in your Phone number
- An 8 digit verification code will be sent to your phone as an SMS
- Type the code into the boxes on your screen
- Click Verify phone Number. and viola, you are signed in.
- In case you didn't receive the verification code, click on Resend code and repeat the authentication process.
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